Follow these tips to minimize the footprint of your adventures and give back to the places and communities that fuel your explorations.

Choose low carbon transport
Take the train or bus for trips closer to home. If flying, book non-stop flights in economy class.
When renting a car, select electric or compact models. Walk, bike, or use public transit within the
destination. Choose transport providers that prioritize energy efficiency and sustainable fuel.

Travel slowly, but efficiently
Spend more time in fewer places and plan itineraries that minimize travel distances to reduce
transport emissions. Immerse yourself in the destination to deeply connect with the culture

Support the local economy
Ensure your dollars stay in the community by booking locally-owned accommodations, dining
at local eateries, hiring local guides, engaging in community-based tourism, choosing providers
that employ local people, and purchasing goods from local artisans

Respect communities and cultures
Learn about local traditions, adhere to cultural norms, and participate in authentic cultural
experiences. Be considerate of local people and ask permission before photographing others

Conserve water and energy
Choose accommodations with energy efficiency, renewable energy, and water-saving measures
in place. Turn down the heat/AC at home before you leave and in your hotel. Decline daily
housekeeping, take shorter showers, and turn off lights and electronics when not in use.

Minimize waste
Avoid single-use plastics by packing reusable items like a water bottle. Dine in rather than
ordering takeout and opt for street food served in biodegradable packaging. Recycle and
compost when possible, ensuring you follow local guidelines to dispose of your waste correctly.

Get off the beaten path
Combat overtourism by choosing less popular destinations and visiting during the off-season or
non-peak hours. You’ll enjoy less crowded experiences, reduce strain on popular destinations,
and help distribute tourism benefits more evenly.

Try local, sustainable dishes
Order dishes made with seasonal, organic local ingredients and try more plant-based delicacies
to lessen your foodprint, support local producers, and savor the destination’s culinary heritage.
Engage in low-impact activities
Opt for low-carbon activities such as hiking, cycling, walking tours, or non-motorized water
sports. Stay in designated areas; don’t touch, feed, or disturb wildlife; and avoid unethical
experiences that exploit communities or animals.

Offset your carbon footprint
Consider buying carbon offsets to compensate for unavoidable travel emissions. By doing so,
you’ll contribute to projects like forest conservation and clean energy that fight climate change