We also have School group option in South Luangwa and Lower Zambezi                                                                   



African proverb:  “It takes a whole village to raise a child”

       WELCOME TO FIREFLY -   Welcome to Our Village


Firefly Lodge are happy to announce that their Village accommodation will be opening soon.   This accommodation is specially designed for the warm nights, the camp experience with all the laughter, exciting activities and the making of lasting memories that go with it!

Cost per Child/Teacher  for  3 nights  -   Includes all activities, food, accommodation, chefs, cleaners, 24 hours game scout supervision and security


Accommodation: Thatched roof huts.  5 units catering for 4 single bed s , 4 units x 1 single bed (en suite)

                                Designated dining area, camp fire pit

                                Kitchen - Halaal foods, cooking utensils

                                Separate boys and girls ablution facilities, warm water and flushing toilets


Communications and Electricity


Whilst there is no WiFi  at the Village, there is WiFi at the main Lodge for use in the case of emergencies.  Security has 24 hour internal radio communication.

The Lodge, farm and including this facility operates purely on Solar.


Typical Activities for 3 night  trip :-


Briefing on Arrival

Nature  trails-spoor identification, which trees are medicinal,  mud pot making

Team Balloon debate.

Teams choose animal, work together to provide reasons why they should be left in the balloon. Elect spoken person for each elimination round.

Camp fire songs and stories

Game Scout Parade and drill

Team Game scout singing practice

Map reading treasure hunt

Bow and arrow making

Fishing rod making

Walking/driven  game viewing  Team Quiz on days activity.  Includes acting, animal sound identification.

Down time – journal writing/ Board games

Fishing at the Ponds- catching supper.

Football match with Local School

Hit the target – with the made bows and arrows.

Pellet gun shooting range or alternative activity.

Walking/ driven game viewing  Camp fire  supper ,

Teams sing off and parade competition.




Sample Meal Plan


-cereal, yogurt, Eggs (scrambled or boiled), Sausage, macon, bread, butter, jam

Lunch –

-Savoury pancakes, side salad, crisps, fruit, chocolate bar

-Samoosas, side salad, crisps, fruit, chocolate bar

-burgers, crisps, side salad,  fruit, chocolate bar

Supper –

-Lasagne, jacket potato, green salad, fruit salad and ice -cream

-Stew with vegetables and rice, Tray bake and ice cream

-Chicken or fish chips and apple pie and ice cream


Packing List:-

Wide Brimmed Hat                                       Insect Repellent                                             Old Clothes – children will get dirty

Sun Cream                                                     Torch                                                             Water Bottle

Towels                                                             Comfortable walking shoes                     Toiletries

Bed linen and Pillow                                     Flip-flops                           



The Children will be meeting the local children from the Community School- Big Concession.  Firefly Lodge recognises and supports  the importance in Education  for sustainability and prosperity, especially for the underpriviledged in the rural areas. In this vein,  one of the Shareholders of Firefly Lodge became a  qualified TEVETA Examiner, Trainer and Accessor purely  to assist in educating the people in the area.  If at all possible any small gift such as for instance  pencils, colouring pencils, chalk, paper, football, football pump, exercise books or  old reading books would be greatly appreciated

We thank you for your interest in Firefly Lodge and we look forward to hearing from you shortly.